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For more durable, cost-effective, and sustainable concrete

Our experienced concrete technologists provide you technical assistance for specific questions concerning the technology of concrete and the optimization of concrete mix designs. A grasp of our activities:


  • Investigating and characterizing concrete component materials  including cement, sand, aggregate, supplementary and alternative cementitious materials, and admixtures.

  • Assessing and improving strength development of concrete.

  • Assessing and improving workability of concrete.

  • Optimizing concrete mixtures for sustainability​.

  • Selecting the right cement for the right application.​

  • Optimizing the granular skeleton.

  • Complying with norms and standards.


We can assist you in taking things from the lab to the field to successful adoption in your concrete facility.

Concrete Constructions

Our cement and concrete laboratory is equipped with a wide variety of industry standard tests, but also offers specialized test set-ups to support your needs.


We love talking about concrete as much as we love making and breaking it! We offer seminars and presenations on everything related to concrete from basics to complex chemistry that comes with it.


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